OH MY CAT!!! We definitely have to retrain our human!!! In her excitement about the FREE ProPlan cat food at Petco a few days ago, she TOTALLY overlooked that our 5.15/1 printable coupon ALSO says PURINA ONE in addition to ProPlan!
Luckily Laura, who is a loyal reader of our blog, pointed this out to us!! She also told us that there is a $2/1 Purina One or Beyond Dry Cat or Dog Food 3.5Lb+ Target Coupon 10-27-13 RP or a 1/1 Target coupon to stack, making the Purina One dog or cat food cheap or possibly free at Target (thank you Laura!).
While we were getting ready to send human over to Target to check prices, it hit us. Not only is the coupon good on both ProPlan AND Purina One, both cat AND dog food, it ALSO does NOT have a size restriction!!

This means, we can use it on the small boxes of Purina ONE cat food sold at Frys, pictured above, these are also carried at SOME but not all Walmarts!
Frys sells the small boxes at 3.29, making them a 1.86 Money Maker.
Walmart sells the small boxes at 2.57, making them a 2.58 Money Maker.
WOW!!! We are stoked!!! We used up all of our coupons at Petco, but we have a trade coming in later this week, so this is a good way to use the overage towards some wet food or other supplies!!
Among other things for our buddies at Meowness, we’ll probably have the human buy some chicken lunchmeat for us, which is our favourite treat of all times, to make up for her mishap!!!
The 5.15/1 coupon has still been printing for folks as of this morning, so request yours by email while it lasts!
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