Petsmart: Black Friday Preview: Tidy Cats 35 lbs bucket only 7.99 each!

petsmart bf ad

Black Friday is the one day of the year, where we normally don’t send our human shopping.

She’ll probably be chilling in her PJs working on leftovers, while we take turns to cuddle with her and see if we can sneak extra treats.

However if you are out and about this Black Friday, Petsmart has the Tidy Cats deal again this year.

$ 7.99 for a 35 lb bucket, is an awesome price.

We currently don’t have insert coupons for these, but some of us have 1/1 and 2/1 peelies to use on them!

Also Petsmart is doing the Bonus Bucks Promo again.

bonus bucks

If you buy $35 of certain items, they”ll give you $5 off your next order.

So you could buy 5 buckets for $ 39.95 plus tax, get a 6th bucket and use the $5 on that, pay 2.99 plus tax

Which would net you 6 buckets for $ 42.94 or $7.16 each. Those should last you a while.

If we can motivate the human to venture into our closest store late in the afternoon, we may just have her do that if they still have stock.

But both of these things are highly unlikely.


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