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Today we had the human drop off what has to be the smallest donation in our history of donations to Meowness.
We are kind of disappointed at the lack of deals and it keeps getting worse. Coupons are few and far inbetween and the prices are kind of ridiculous.

We really feel for the shelters that go through a lot of these items and are facing increased cost for vet care on top of that!

They really need help more than ever!! If you can spare a buck or two, we know Meowness would be so grateful for your support.
You can donate on their website, the donate button is in the top right corner.

We also want to thank our friend Jennifer W. for sending us some stamps to pass on to Meowness, as they have to mail out a lot of paperwork on a regular basis.

The items pictured retail $ 216.16 and our out of pocket cost was roughly $70. We know, right? For that kind of money we used to be able to haul three times as much stuff to the shelter.

Times have definitely changed.

We are still trying to support the causes we care about any way we can, but dang do we miss the good ole couponing days when we could send the human shopping to the pet stores for pennies on the dollar.

What about you guys out there? Are you still able to find deals and coupons? Send those humans shopping, we gotta fill these bowls!


Wow, it’s 2022!! How did that happen? We hope all our furriends had a wonderful holiday season and a purrific start into 2022!

Our winter visit in Phoenix is coming to an end and we wanted to send the human to Meowness one more time before we leave town for a while.

The items in this picture retail at $376, crazy for such a small amount, right? Pet food prices are out of control. Our out of pocket expense after coupons was $96.

Deals are definitely harder to find these days and on top of that it has gotten really difficult to find stock now.

A lady saw the human buy some of the canned cat food and commented “When you find product, you gotta buy it, right?”

So very true. We hope the human got us stocked up as well. We have less storage space now, as we moved into a new RV, but we insist on pet food storage being a priority!

After all, we call the shots here! Meow!

With the Meowlidays right around the corner and the human going out of town, we wanted to make sure we are sending this donation to Meowness asap.

It is getting harder and harder to find deals and the retail prices are somewhat ridiculous, but we feel we did ok, all circumstances considered. The items pictured retail for about $545 (yikes!) and we paid about $91 out of pocket for them.

Compared to the good ole times, that is a rather small donation, but the kitties and doggies at Meowness can use all the help they can get!

If you’d like to help them out as well, here’s the link to their current fundraiser. They are still ways away from their goal and currently do have quite a few pets with medical needs. Any donation, no matter how small helps. Meowness is completely volunteer run and we assure you, they are a very deserving organisation!!

We personally are grateful that they allow the human to use their cute holiday pictures, like this one of Jolly, who by the way is still looking for a pawesome furever home (more info here). Thanks to that, the human doesn’t get anymore stupid ideas about putting us in holiday outfits or some such nonsense, as we have made it VERRRRY clear in past years, that we are not up for any of this!!

Happy Meowlidays to all our friends, two legged, four legged and also those with wings and fins!

Emily and Linus

It has been a while since we were able to send the human shopping. She has been avoiding the stores for quite some time.

Right now, we are back in Phoenix for a little bit and are trying very hard to find some pet food deals.

This donation retails at about $490 and we spent about $118 out of pocket, which is fantastic in our book.

It is a mixed donation of cat and dog supplies, because Meowness, despite being primarily a cat rescue, also helps some dogs down on their luck.

Like Desmond, aka Dezzy, pictured below with Olivia Rose, one of the Meowness kitties.

13 year old Dezzy just got pulled from the high kill shelter and needed lots of vet care, including getting neutered at 13 years old!

Poor little guy is in rough shape. Luckily he is in good hands with the Meowness gang right now and gets lots of purr therapy from his new kitty friends as well.

We had quite the sticker shock about the increased cost of pet supplies, since the human last set foot in a store.

And yes, all those rumors about supply issues on certain pet food brands really are true. The stores aren’t stocked well and prices are ridiculous.

We are tickled pink, that we still managed to get some decent deals for our buddies at Meowness. The human was getting rusty after not having coupon shopped for so long, so it was high time to send her back out.

If you would like to support Meowness as well, please consider making a donation to them. We guarantee you they are a very deserving organisation. After all, they are the ones who founds us our humans to adopt and train =^.^=

Here’s a link to the current Meowness Holiday Fundraiser!

Also if you are in Phoenix and have some coupons for us, please reach out to the human, she can always use more coupons to help feed pets in need!

Happy Meow Year Furriends!! We hope you are all off to a good start!

We are getting ready to leave town again, so we sent the human to Meowness one last time before we hit the road.
It’s only been a few days since the last drop off and in the meantime the human didn’t have a ton of time to shop. We also have used up most of our coupons before they expired on 12/31. For those reasons , this is a relatively small donation.

The items in the picture retail for about $ 188 and our oop for them was about $76. Not our one of our greatest hauls, for sure, but at least these are some of Meowness’ favorite products to use.

So this is it for this season. Yes, we know, it literally went by in the blink of an eye. On Monday the house will start moving again with us in it.

We hope to be back in Phoenix in October to do more shopping.
In the meantime we’ll keep an eye out for a few online deals that can maybe sent to our buddies from afar!!

We’ll be in touch from the road!!

When shopping both at Petco and Petsmart lately the human saw flyers and posters for a Blue Pet food promotion.

Buy $25 in Blue Buffalo products earn a $5 digital reward

Buy $50 in Blue Buffalo products earn a $15 in digital reward

The little flyers say “Participating Retailers” so this may be working in different stores as well.

I also says “Text BLUEBUFFALO to 811811”.

We are getting coupons for Blue Buffalo this weekend in the 1/5 inserts and some people get those early. If you can get a hold of these coupons, that may make for a real good deal.

I seems like you have to text them and then submit a picture the receipt. We happened to purchase a large bag of Blue Buffalo for a donation a couple of days ago, so we’ll get the human to submit the receipt and report further.

We wish we had known about this before buying, because the dog food was about $40, had we known about that promo we could have added a few cans.

Anyways, this is a pretty short timed promo 12/26-1/3, update, duh: the human read that wrong, the promo goes until 3/1/2020 but if you purchased this products recently, you may be in luck.

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