Frys: Hot catalina alert: possibly free Cat’s Pride cat litter!!!


Look what our buddies Joey and Chiro sent us!! A catalina for free Cat’s pride litter!!!

Their human received this catalina while shopping at Frys recently. She did not even purchase any litter in that particular transaction, but she received a catalina coupon for a FREE (up to $9 value) Cat’s pride litter wyb 6 tubs of Meow Mix. Now that’s an awesome deal!!!

Plus we have BOGO prints for Meow Mix and Joey and Chiro kindly sent us some of those as well!!

So if you are a Frys shopper please watch out for these catalinas!! This is a VERY EASY WAY to score some free litter for either yourself or a pet rescue you may want to support!!

We wish our human brought these kinds of cats! Meow!

Thank you Joey and Chiro!!!

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