Today we sent the human to meet up with the Meowness lady to handover this donation. It was raining so hard, we had to take the picture in the car.
It’s a small donation (we would obviously have preferred this to be larger) but this is all we could round up between four stores.
The cat food was a killer deal and we would have had the human purchase more, had she found more, yet for are grateful for everything we could get.
The items in the picture retail for about $211 and we paid oop …..drumroll…. $5,14!
With the most expensive being the carrier in the box.
The cat food was only 1 cent per item. Yep! We made sure the human got up early the day this sale was going to start and we were so happy she found a few goodies, as a lot of people were hunting for them that day.
How we wish, we could find those kinds of sales more often. Small but mighty!
We’ll go on the road again later this month, so not sure if we can get another donation together for the Meowness kitties.
We sure hope so and we’ll try! You just never know!
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