We just got back to Mesa for the Winter and were able to send the humans shopping right away. We had gotten word of huge markdowns on pet food and pawed at female human to get off the couch immediately to go hunt for deals.
This is kind of a mini donation, as it doesn’t have any dry food or litter, but as the humans are going out of town again, we wanted to get this to the Meowness kitties before they leave.
It doesn’t look like much and despite not being much food at all, these items retail at a ridiculous $636. Come on, seriously, who pays that? But we were able to get all of this….wait for it….drum roll: $ 2.71
Yes, yes less than $3!!! To say we were pretty stoked was an understatement!
The human is just heartbroken about so much packaging and so little food inside.
Would we have preferred to also get the Meowness gang some litter and dry food? Yes, sure!
But you gotta score the deals, while the getting is good and this was an exceptionally amazing deal, even for us!
Deal shopping has gotten a lot harder for sure, but we hope to score a few more things for our buddies at Meowness as the season progresses.
If you’d also like to help them out, you can donate to their cause here.
In addition to all the usual expenses for vet care and pet food, they’ve had a stroke of bad luck lately, with a failed furnace and then electrical problems. That’s pretty scary.
So if you can send them a few $$$ we are sure they would put them to very good use.
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