We are currently camped out at Lake Mead NRA and this guy shows up soon after we got settled. Needless to say, the humans decided to leave our outdoor cat habitat unpacked this time.
We’d love to go outside, but the humans don’t want us to become his lunch, plus it has been really windy. He has been snooping around camp a couple more times since we arrived. Seems to be limping, poor guy.
Speaking of interesting neighbors, funny enough, a couple of days after we arrived, some humans set up camp a little further down the road. Female human saw a dog walk one of those humans and thought she had met this particular human before. She went over to chat with them to confirm and it turns out that it was Lorne and Susan, who blog at A Place Called Away. The human had met them at Bloggerfest 2017. Female human has a good memory of faces, but she has a hard time remembering names.
The nomad world sure can be small at times.
By the way, if you haven’t signed up for the Petsmart Email coupon we mentioned a little while ago yet, we strongly encourage you to do so. Now that we are near a bigger city, the human has signed up and received one with an expiration date of 3/29. So this still seems to be working.
We are planning to send her to a Petsmart in Henderson, NV tomorrow and if we are lucky, she’ll be able to use it at Petco as well.
Nom, nom, we expect to see some goodies tomorrow!
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