When it comes to figuring out deals at Target, these pictures tell our story perfectly:

We know they are out there…..but we really, really, really….

….have to focus to see them!! And even then they don’t fully reveal themselves!
We sent the human to Target today to check out the deals and prices and usually this is the look on her face,

when she has to come up with a bigger transaction at target! Meow out loud!
We managed to get together a decent transaction, because we had some rare Target coupons that the Meowness kitties kindly gave us, plus some freebie coupons, the human had traded for. Having either made things quite a bit easier for us.
So the human came home with a bunch of stuff for tax only and we were quite pleased with her. HOWEVER this is not a shareable deal, as most folks won’t have the same coupons we did.
The human stood in the aisle, scratching her head and after a while decided to just give up FOR TODAY!!
We knew the Pedigree gift card deals were still going through 7/26, but they were not tagged in our store, so no pics.
For this reason, our recommendation regarding Target is: make sure you check out Totally Target, as they are the super duper Target specialist. MOL!
Here’s a link to their Pedigree Gift Card Deal in case you were interested in that!
Of course if we come up with some other good scenarios, we’ll let you all know for sure! We have a bunch of 15/50 coupons and are planning a couple more Target trips this week!
Feel free to share your findings and shopping trip pictures with us as well and we’ll credit you on the blog!
But for now we’ll send the human to Petco and see what our reward dollars can buy from the Meowness kittie wishlist =^.^=
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