Female human FINALLY is back in town after having the nerve to leave us behind with male human for more than two weeks.
No shopping for over two weeks!! Can you imagine?? At least we kept the blog running while she was gone!! We are dedicated kitties and we have a job to do!!
The human came back to some great mail and it was fun to open it together.
We received a a lot of wonderful coupons from the Meowness kitties and their human Jen, Holly (we think Holly is owned by a cat as well, but we have to find out for sure), our friend Diana and her humans, as well as Kittie T, Harley and their gang!!
Thank you all for your help and the great coupons!! We could not do this without your kind support! We are real lucky to have the coolest and most pawesome furry friends!!! Purrs to all of you!!
We would also like to thank Cyndy and Iris who had their human drop of a whole bag of coupons at our front porch while the human was gone. We had to give that bag a good sniff to check for any hidden messages from Cyndy and Iris!! Thank you girls!
We already mentioned our buddy Woody on Facebook a few days ago, he had his human give our humans a donation for us during her trip!! Thank you again Woody!!!
In addition to all the mail from our friends we received the Beneful sample pack we had requested a while back as well as a box of coupon booklets from Petco.
We are stoked about the Petco booklets too as they have great 50% off coupons for some great high quality dog and cat food brands. We have been signed up with “Think adoptions first” for a long time, but never ever have received these in the mail before. We will share some for sure with some newly adopted buddies of ours!! So stayed tuned for a giveaway in the coming weeks.
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