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All posts in August, 2013




If you prefer to send your human to Petsmart (their registers are considerably easier to deal with), a lot of good deals can be had there as well.

Some stores will allow you to use the Petco Qs (5/25, Science Diet Store Qs or Wellness Store Qs) as competitor coupons. But not all will. There is no official policy

so YMMV and it’s best to ask the cashier or a manger, before you start shopping.

We sent the human in quickly to take a few pictures, but (continue reading…)

OK, it’s not pet FOOD, but most rescues we donate to, ask for paper towels, so if there’s one you want to help out,

this can be an ok deal, IF you get a $$ off Q in your Safeway J4U account:

Safeway has Brawny for 5$ on Friday and we have a 1/1 Brawny Paper Towels, any 6 rolls or larger – 07-28-13 RP

You can get this deal ALL WEEKEND, IF you load it to your card via J4U on Friday.


If you are a CVS shopper, check your Email RIGHT MEOW!!!

We received a $4 off 20$ by email valid through 8/12 and some (continue reading…)

petperks email

Petsmart will send their Petperks members coupons on a regular basis. So if you are signed up with them
go ahead and check your email. We received one today!
If you have a card you can go register it here, or sign up for a new card (they will let you print a temporary
paper card, the original one will come in the mail within a couple of weeks).

Some emails are the same for all Petperks Members, others are specific to your past purchases.

We received more Science Diet coupons today, which is great and gives us more options to shop. Most product

related coupons we receive from Petsmart are in fact Manufacturer Coupons, we only receive store coupons on very

rare occasions. Sometimes they do send us great postcards in the mail as well.

Back in July Petsmart sent us both a 5 off  25 and a 10 off 40 coupon!! We love to send the human shopping when we receive these!!


Petco released a coupon for a free can of Wellness Signature Selects!


This means we will have two Freebies to get to 25$ and it also means (continue reading…)


Yes, today is World Cat day! Believe it or not, but cats have a day of their own!!
Of course in our house, every day is cat day 😉 we rule!!
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and several other animal rights groups came up with
this brilliant idea in 2002!!

Cats have been dominating the world for over 9500 years and it only took humans 9489 years
to realise that having an International Cat Day would be a good idea!! Yay way to go!
That’s why we are in charge and not the humans!!

It is no coincidence that humans worshiped cats in ancient Egypt! Rightfully so!!
Those ancient Egyptians were really smart people! Plus they built Pyramids, probably
according to plans laid out by kitties…we cannot prove this of course…but we wouldn’t
be the least bit surprised if one of these days someone deciphered some hieroglyphes describing just that!

According to various widely recognized and internationally accepted statistics (not only the ones that we massaged ourselves),
cats are the most popular companion animal to humans. Of course we are!!! Sorry doggies!!!

Happy International Cat Day to all of our friends, two legged, four legged and those with fins!

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